Voor het “grappig accent” van Ivan Heylen ging heel Nederland uit de bol. Zijn “Werkmens” was muzikaal echter allesbehalve een slecht nummer. Een succesvolle Engelse groep uit die tijd (ik geloof dat het Mud betrof, als het niet Mungo Jerry was), beweerde zelfs dat zij een Engelse versie van het nummer zouden opnemen. Hoeft het dan verbazing te wekken dat ik mij onmiddellijk aan het werk zette om “De wilde boerendochter” tot “The wild farmer’s daughter” om te dopen? Helaas, een gouden plaat zat er voor mij niet in.

Hierbij, omdat niemand ernaar vraagt, de originele bewerking:


muziek: Ivan Heylen
tekst: Ron Dovan

This is an old American folksong about a wild farmer’s daughter.
Somewhere down south
Amidst the mountains of Kentucky
There lies a little village
Divided in some big farmlands
Of course
On one of them
There lives a wild farmer’s daughter
She’s only thinking about sex
And the boy next door
A couple of miles away
He loves her like a nut
But she won’t even look at him
Although he has made a song for her
With very nice words
And when he passes her ranch in the evening
And he sees that her candle’s still burning
He puts his hands deep in his pockets
And with his head a little bent
He sings his song
For her! For her!

Hey good-looking
You know that I love you so
Show me now how much you love me too
Hey good-looking
You know that I love you so
Show me now how much you love me too
And take me take me take me
Take me and light my fire
Take me take me take me
Take me or I’ll die
Do it then! Do it then!
Good-looking, good-looking

But you know
What can you do about it
Such a fire can’t be extinguished in a year
And each time when the trees start blooming
It begins again
Her eyes are on fire
She don’t want a quiet one
She wants a wild one
Although he isn’t so quiet
But his fire is not so visible
And when he passes her ranch in the evening
And he sees that her candle’s still burning
He puts his hands deep in his pockets
And with his head a little bent
He sings his song
For her! For her!

Hey good-looking
You know that I love you so
Show me now how much you love me too
Hey good-looking
You know that I love you so
Show me now how much you love me too
And take me take me take me
Take me and light my fire
Take me take me take me
Take me or I’ll die
Do it then! Do it then!
Good-looking, good-looking

And the years went by
And she became twenty-nine
One day he returned from the church
Through the canyons
And he saw her
It’s now or never
He thought
Like Elvis
And he stopped her and said:
Damn wretch
I love you
And I’ve made a song about it

Hey good-looking
You know that I love you so
Show me now how much you love me too
Hey good-looking
You know that I love you so
Show me now how much you love me too
And take me take me take me
Take me and light my fire
Take me take me take me
Take me or I’ll die
Do it then! Do it then!
Good-looking, good-looking

And she had listened with pointed ears
And while she kissed him
She wiggled with her cunt

Ron Dovan

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