De violiste Stephanie Gonley (foto YouTube) is een veelbelovend talent. “Alleszins beter dan Isabelle Van Keulen en met heel wat minder pretentie,” noteerde ik n.a.v. een optreden in het Brusselse P.S.K. op 11/02/1992.

Since 1991 Stephanie Gonley is leader of the English Chamber Orchestra and later also of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra. Op de website van dit laatste orkest staat er een kort interview met haar, waarbij haar o.m. de vraag wordt gesteld: “What do you enjoy about being part of a chamber orchestra? How is it different from playing with a symphony orchestra?”
Gonley: “Chamber music is very important to me and being part of a chamber orchestra is a natural extension of that. I love the subtle attention to detail that comes with a smaller group. With symphony orchestra playing the emphasis is often on the big picture, which can also be fantastic to be a part of. In terms of repertoire, the satisfaction is immense with both genres.”
She was also the leader of the Vellinger Quartet for some time, and she still enjoys performing a wide range of chamber music with such ensembles as the Nash Ensemble and the English Chamber Orchestra Ensemble.
Her recordings include the Dvorák Romance with the ECO and Sir Charles Mackerras for EMI, the Sibelius Violin Concerto for BMG/Conifer with conductor Adrian Leaper and a CD of baroque repertoire which she directed.
Stephanie Gonley is currently Professor of Violin at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, where she also studied with David Takeno. She continued her studies with Dorothy DeLay (Juilliard) and Ilan Gronich (Hochschule, Berlin).

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