Het is vandaag 55 jaar geleden dat Roger Patterson, vergezeld van Bob Gimlin, een film opnam waarop “an unidentified subject” is te zien. The filmmakers have said it was a (female) Bigfoot. The footage was shot in 1967 in Northern California, and has since been subjected to many attempts to authenticate or debunk it.

The footage was filmed alongside Bluff Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River, about 25 logging-road miles northwest of Orleans, California, in Humboldt County. The film site is roughly 38 miles south of Oregon and 18 miles east of the Pacific Ocean. For decades, the exact location of the site was lost, primarily because of re-growth of foliage in the streambed after the flood of 1964. It was rediscovered in 2011. It is just south of a north-running segment of the creek informally known as “the bowling alley”. Dat alles natuurlijk ter intentie van wie eens ter plaatse een kijkje wil gaan nemen.
The filmmakers were Roger Patterson (February 14, 1933 – January 15, 1972) and Robert “Bob” Gimlin (born October 18, 1931). Patterson died of cancer in 1972 and maintained right to the end that the creature on the film was real. Patterson’s friend, Gimlin, has always denied being involved in any part of a hoax with Patterson. Gimlin mostly avoided publicly discussing the subject from at least the early 1970s until about 2005, when he began giving interviews and appearing at Bigfoot conferences. Een mens moet toch met iets z’n boterham verdienen, nietwaar? (Wikipedia)

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