Het Brits kampioenschap wielrennen op de weg wordt verreden sedert 21 juni 1959. De eerste winnaar was Ron Coe (midden op bovenstaande foto, links Harry Reynolds, rechts Sid Wilson).

Ron Coe (born 29 January 1933 – 5 March 1988) was an English professional cyclist from Barnsley and a multiple British National Road Race Champion.



1st British National Road Race Championships (BLRC Independent Road Race)

1st Lincoln Grand Prix

1st Tour of the Lakes

1st Stage 3, Tour of the Lakes


1st British National Road Race Championships (BLRC Independent Road Race)

1st Lincoln Grand Prix

3rd Stage 2a, Tour du Var, Frejus (FRA) (toen reed hij immers voor de Bertin-ploeg)

1st Stage 3, Milk RaceScarborough

1st Stage 7, Milk Race, Llandrindod

1st Stage 8, Milk Race, Weston

1st Stage 11, Milk Race, Bournemouth

2nd Stage 12, Milk Race, Thames Ditton


1st British National Road Race Championships (Professional)

1st Lincoln Grand Prix

1st Archer International Grand Prix

1st Stage 2, Milk RaceScarborough

1st Stage 5, Milk Race, Blackpool

2nd Stage 6, Milk Race, Rhyl

Ronny De Schepper (op basis van Wikipedia)

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