In maart 2015 werd mijn aandacht getrokken op een discussie op Wielerarchieven. De Fransman Didier K. zegt hier: “J’ai un sérieux doute sur l’identité généralement admise du 48ème de la course de la Paix 1949 : Laszlo VIDA (Hon). N’est ce pas plutôt : Tibor VIDA (Hon), que l’on retrouve 6ème en 1950 , 32ème en 1951 et 45ème en 1952 ?” Hij wordt echter van antwoord gediend door Steponas, de specialist van de Vredeskoers.

Why do you think the Laszlo Vida of 1949 is in fact Tibor Vida of 1950 – 51 – 52 ?
I have had a look on the web and there are definately two Vidas , Laszlo Vida was active in the 1920s (*), in 1928 he was already at least 20 years old so would have been at least 40 in 1949 (**), he was also in the second Hungarian team in 1949.
Edit : Generally speaking, the better riders would have been selected for the first or A team and the lesser riders would be selected for the second or B team in the years 1948 and 1949, the only years when more than one national team participated in the Peace Race, and Laszlo Vida, at more than 40 years of age, would be expected to have been selected for the Hungarian second or B team.
Tibor Vida was active in the 1940s and was selected for the 1950 Peace Race where only one Hungarian team started.
I think it is reasonable to say that Laszlo Vida was a 40 – plus Hungarian rider who rode the Peace Race of 1949 , finishing in 48th place , he would have been at the end of his career.
Then Tibor Vida rode the 1950 – 51 and 52 Peace Races, I am certain that they are two different riders.
Do you have a reason for thinking that the Laszlo Vida of 1949 is in fact Tibor Vida of 1950-1952 ?
Edit : In Wyscig Pokoju 1948-1988, they list Laszlo Vida in the starters and in the final classification for 1949, and in the years 1950 -1952, they list Tibor Vida in the starters and in the final classification, the book is very reliable and I think they are correct.


(*) In ’26 en ’27 winnaar van de Ronde van Hongarije en in 1928 werd hij vierde in het wereldkampioenschap voor amateurs dat toen werd betwist in Budapest (1.Allegro Grandi; 2.Michele Mara; 3.Jean Aerts; de achtste plaats was overigens voor de Fransman Robert… Vida!).

(**) Op vind ik als geboortedatum Budapest, 6th April 1906 and he passed away on 26th May 1986, vandaag dus precies 35 jaar geleden. (RDS)

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